“How To Become A Published Author”
Since I have been in the Writing Game as a published author, I have learned a thing or two about the writing business. Much of my knowledge has been a learn as I go process. Sometimes that's exactly what you have to do. Just jump in and go for it. It's not the big scary monster some perceive it to be. Although, I have learned that many lovely fellow authors out there are very kind and supportive and are more than happy to share what they have learned along the way with you if you ask. I suppose this is me returning the favor and responding to the many questions I have received from several authors looking at where I am in the writing/publishing game and wondering how they can get there themselves. Instead of responding individually, I choose to respond to all of you in this manner, here on my blog. Perhaps there are still many of you filled with questions but haven't reached out yet for whatever reason. I am eternally grateful to all of the lovely fellow authors who have shared what they have learned with me. Without my beautiful #WritingCommunity, perhaps I would still be on the sidelines, watching, waiting, and wondering how to get published and go live in this wonderful, exciting world. I also want to address another question: "How do I become an Author?" Well, my dear, you ARE an author. We are authors. Do you write? If you write, you are an author. Plain and simple. Some of us don't realize that right away; we think we have to be published, in print or otherwise. That's not true. All that means is the world doesn't know your work yet. And to become published is quite easy. There are many paths to take to getting published. It's just having the desire and the words to publish. With the encouragement of my boyfriend, the way I broke into the game was to enter a poetry contest. Now the particular publishing house I chose, although not knowing at that time, turns out to be what is known as a "Vanity Publisher," which translates into this publisher will publish your work and get your writing into a book, an actual printed book which you can physically hold in your hand and brag and show off to your friends and the world "Look I'm a Published Author" for an over-exaggerated fee, considering what it costs them to print and publish the books versus what they charge the authors for a printed copy of the said book that you are featured in. They should be ashamed of themselves: but I guess they have the advantage of knowing the game and how to exploit the desires and dreams of an inexperienced author while making a profit? And they do. An author also asked about "acquiring an agent"; I haven't required an agent so far; therefore, I don't have an answer for you at this time. Now you can look at this method in many different ways. I choose to find a positive outlook on all things, life in general. I choose to see it as a learning experience, and as a tool (confidence building) training wheels, so to speak, and as an achievement to add to my resume, CV/ bio as an author. I chose to publish with this publishing house several times, one because once you get bitten by the bug of seeing your writing in print, it feels delicious. It's so much fun opening that package and having the privilege of unboxing your book. Or at least an anthology in which your poem or story is featured. It's a wonderful feeling; I won't lie. And this is what they take advantage of. And make a profit. But there are so many other ways to break into the business, depending on your resources and knowledge base. If you ask a few questions and do a little research, it's quite easy. And another thing is patience. Me, however, patience is not always my strong suit. I want what I want, and I want it immediately. Although as painful as it is, I'm learning another lesson, and that is to be patient. Do the work and the research and get it done right the first time. As you get further into the writing/business game, it becomes more crucial and costly if you don't take your time and do it right the first time. And speaking of time, smart time management is crucial. Please don't beat yourself up too bad over it. Remember, we can only operate from the depth of our knowledge at any given time on any given subject. We learn as we go in life in general; if we're lucky, we're learning from everything we do. I wouldn't look at anything as a mistake if we learned something from it. For many, that's the only way we learn; and that's completely fine. Life is perfection; everything happens for a reason and exactly as it is supposed to. It's all about timing; everything always comes together perfectly. Another way to get your writing out in front of other people's eyes is to self-publish. There are many ways to do that as well. All of which I haven't thoroughly navigated as of yet. Although some I have, these are up to and include creating and designing my website to feature and showcase my writing. Sharing it on many of the social network platforms I created accounts on to promote my writing and join the online writing community. I have also created a YouTube channel on which I read some of my writing.
With the global changes that occurred last year, the whole industry changed. The way to operate in any business changed faces drastically. It also opened up many new opportunities for the writing business itself. Despite living through a global pandemic, many beautiful changes came out of it. With the new possibilities available, we have so many new and different ways to succeed. The most important thing we need as authors to succeed in this game is content. We have to have the words to publish, promote, and share. So above all else, write. Just write. Relax and let the words flow through you out into the world. Trust me; the rest pretty much takes care of itself. Without the writing, nothing else matters. I have been writing since I was a small child. I wrote my first book when I was four years old. It was a little illustrated book in which I not only wrote the story but drew the illustrations. My mom saved all of my artwork and writing. I'm glad she did, and I'm so happy I still have several of those items as they are priceless. So I am an author; I always have been, and I always will be. Just now, the world knows about it. I choose to do the research and put in the work in making it so. Therein lies the secret. The secret is Intention. I want the world to be aware of my writing. And I have made it so. I am so proud of my writing when I sit back and read it out there for the world to see on my website and my bookshelf. It's a beautiful feeling. And, in a sense, I have achieved immortality. My writing is my legacy, and it is timeless. My writing is so many things to me; it's therapy, artistic expression, creativity incarnate, pieces of my soul and imagination, my muse whispering in my ear from across oceans of time and space. Through our words, we have the power to create worlds. And that in itself is exciting and satisfying. Remember everything which exists in the physical world once lived in someone's imagination. We do have the power to create worlds, so wield that power wisely. Be humble and kind. Help others when you have the opportunity. And that can have many faces. Sometimes the most significant thing you can do is do live the life you desire. Others will see you doing exactly what they want to do, and in seeing you, they will have the confidence to jump into the writing game too. Come on in the water is fine. And perhaps your words will also be someone's path out of the darkness. I love what I do, and I thank everyone who has supported me in my journey. This journey has only just begun. And I'm so happy to share it with you; thank you for joining me. Stick around because I have so much more to share with you. I am learning so much every day about this business and business in general. It's fun, exciting, and very satisfying. You're going to love this experience if you choose to accept the invitation; you will learn a lot.
All Rights Reserved - Lynne Taylor / AutumnWolfPublishing 2021.