“Untitled #35”


So many questions, so little time.

Questions about myself, everyone else, my being here.

Was it a mistake going as well as it can?

Or was I destined to be here now for a

definite and deliberate reason?

In spite of and because of all other existence known

and unknown?

I wonder.

I feel so much, this fire burns within.

My awareness of this insatiable hunger;

it cuts so deep at times.

Curiosity of my reason, and the destiny and

legacy of my soul’s powerful

need to fulfill my purpose.

This internal flame rages in my soul, and burns

my heart and mind.

The need for answers I already know is

painful ecstasy.

You know nothing of who I am, why I am here,

or from where I came.

You’re shameful, you meager fools cannot

recognize my identity.

do you see me?

History in front of your face.

Of course not, I’m invisible with my power.

And that’s just the way I like it.

For now!

All Rights Reserved - Lynne Taylor / AutumnWolfPublishing 2021.

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Lynne Taylor

Author of fiction, short stories, and poetry.


“Twilight’s Eyes”


“Angel Of The Wolf”