Autumn Wolf Publishing

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“Rage Into Darkness”

Open the darkness, open it wide.

Dare you look to see what's inside.

Here I am in all of my glory.

Proudly I stand before you with nothing,

nothing to hide.

Do you want to chance it?

Will you survive the ride?

Look deep into my eyes, can you see me?

See me for who I am deep inside?

Once you do, what will you decide?

Will you stay?

Will you run and hide?

I am the Wolf. I am the raging tide.

Come closer, or quicken your stride.

Or nevermore will you be able to escape my grip.

The hunger will never subside.

It never ends.

Try as you will, it never dies.

There comes a time when you must decide.

Do you find your pleasure in darkness?

Or do you cling to your fears, that hold you in the light?

Let go of your fear, join me in the fire.

I bring you life eternal.

Come take my hand, I am life.

Rage into the darkness.

Rage into my light.

So delicious.

I own you.

All Rights Reserved - Lynne Taylor / AutumnWolfPublishing 2021.