Autumn Wolf Publishing

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“The Presence Of A Queen”

One day someone will look at me, and in their eyes, I will be the most beautiful thing they have ever seen.

They will have no complaints, I will not be lacking anything, I will not fall short or disappoint, and I will not be compared to another previously seen on a screen.

I will be good enough exactly as I am for how I do things instead of them being disappointed and expecting me to emulate the others who were previously seen.

How I express myself will be pleasing and satisfying precisely as I am and not disappoint because my expression is unlike those you have previously seen.

One day in someone’s eyes, I will be perfection, just as I am; to this person, I will be pristine.

They won’t be continuously washing off the I that is me trying to wash me away because who I am and how I express myself to them is deemed unclean.

I am not those individuals that you have previously seen.

Get over it; I will never erase who and what I am to emulate those, either. I’m not sorry that as I am isn’t good enough, and in my presence, you find no satisfaction because when you look at me, all you see is ME, and I don’t express myself as those others did. It’s never gonna happen. Because to me, I am pristine.

You, my dear, simply are blind to my beauty; that’s unfortunate. For both of us? Perhaps? It’s not my fault you have been sullied by what you have seen.

There is nothing I can do to assist you with returning your eyes to how they were before you saw the others, and perhaps then I would have been good enough back when your eyes were clean?

And as I said already to myself, I am pristine.

One day another will see me, and I will be appreciated and accepted without having to be forced to express myself in a way that is not me. They will be able to see me and rejoice to find a jewel so pristine.

And you, my dear, I hope you can restore your eyes to a time when they could see beauty in its natural state, not something false, fake, and scripted. I wish you one day could find a way back to your eyes when they were clean.

I find it obscene how you continue to attempt to reshape and reform me into one of these basic bitches you see on the screen and fail to realize that you are in the presence of a Queen.

All Rights Reserved - Lynne Taylor / AutumnWolfPublishing 2023.