“Well, Guess What?”
I'm tired of always being pushed down for being who and what I am.
Who has the right to tell me I have no right to be me?
Who the hell gives you the right to tell me I am unacceptable because I am me?
You haven't the slightest clue. You have no idea who or what stands before you.
If you knew, you would tread lightly.
I am not one to be trifled with.
You can only push me down so far before I rise up and crush you all.
They never love me for who and what I am.
The real me is not good enough.
Well, guess what?
Did it ever occur to you that you are not good enough for me?
As time passes I grow tired and lonely, tired of being alone.
Not alone physically; just tired of being alone in the sense
that no one gets me,
or has a clue what goes on deep inside me.
And if they get a glimpse, they are sure to run.
Run, run, run.
All Rights Reserved - Lynne Taylor / AutumnWolfPublishing 2021.