Poems Lynne Taylor Poems Lynne Taylor

“Flashing Light”

I’m tempted to fly into the sanctity of this night absent of all fright.

Just let go and punch the accelerator to the floor. Test that theory about this vehicle‘s capability of achieving a speed of 160 miles per hour. Cut loose and open full throttle and jettison into the pitch black open highway and roll the dice or my car this night.

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Lynne Taylor Lynne Taylor

“Velvet Darkness”

“As daybreak rips the fur right from this wolf’s body, the sun is salt burning my bleeding flesh; I endure in silence.”

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Lynne Taylor Lynne Taylor

“Searing Light”

Wild children of the night, slithering, crawling, taking flight.

To the human type beings, we must be quite a sight?

I can see you now, but still you give me fright.

I can't remember why, do you come bringing darkness or light?

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Poems Lynne Taylor Poems Lynne Taylor

“The Wild One”

Wisdom and the purity of youth radiate and burn behind the dark gaze;

distant yet piercing, the eyes forever to burn in your memory.

And the music is like a feather from the wings of the soul.

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Poems Lynne Taylor Poems Lynne Taylor

“Darkness or Light”

Wolf in darkness reaching for the light.
Raven's feathers black as night.
Cool as the moonlight bathing this night.
In between the darkness and the light.

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Poems Lynne Taylor Poems Lynne Taylor

“Twilight’s Eyes”

The infinity is lurking among the pale shadows

of Night’s magic beautiful landscape.

In my dreams of wolves, I briefly held my freedom.

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Poems Lynne Taylor Poems Lynne Taylor

“Angel Of The Wolf”

The haunting eyes of emerald green

and long luxurious fur; so dark as this night.

The spell his song casts is immeasurable, unimaginable.

From darkness, she fell into this night.

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Poems Lynne Taylor Poems Lynne Taylor

“Goodnight Wolf”

This Wolf walks alone, invisible, broken.

One day mercy will come and this invisible Wolf,

will just blow away like dust into the wind.

On the wings of the Raven, my dreams flew away.

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